The Barbarian
and Cat Fancier
You come from the land of ice and snow, and for some reason that compels you to strip down to your fuzzy shorts and hit things with a sword. No seriously, you’re the kind of northerner whose family were probably all killed by iguana cultists who wanted to the steal the secret of brass from your clan, or something like that.
You probably learned to fight in a pit, and built your impressive physique pushing a Very Heavy Wheel for some time. I mean, there isn’t much to do up on the tundra. All those years of isolation, peppered with intense bursts of violence has left your psyche in a somewhat fragile state, prone to bursts of unhinged berserking.
Despite this, at some point in your meandering adventures, you picked up an orange tabby kitten you named “Mjolnir”. You have completely bonded with this cat and you refuse to be separated from it for more than a short fight. If the kitten is hurt in any way, it would prove psychologically deleterious to you, as this is the only being in the harsh northland that had ever show you affection for affection’s sake.