Giardo Pumpkinfarmer

Evil Cultist Totally Reformed Cleric

You are an adorable, fluffy-haired and fuzzy-footed hobbit who is thrall to an outer god whose name no mortal tongue can approximate. Your chipper demeanor, affectionate nature, and willingness to sacrifice friends, relations and passers-by to your Dark Master earned you an unlimited stay vacation at a correctional oubliette in Norfacordia. 

You got involved in the Dungeon Circuit as part of an “Advanced Community Service” program that the Dungeon Circuit organizers conceived of when in need of more participants during a particularly slow season a few years back.

Your long oubliette visit has taught you to temper your blistering insanity into deviousness. You’re willing to participate in these Dungeon Events, since there always seem to be new faces to introduce to the Bad News. While you’re pretty adjusted, the visions of your Hideous Master that invade your dreams make it difficult to completely conceal the magnitude of your mental aberration.

Recently, you’ve been getting visions of something even more terrible, something that blurs even your shaky perception of reality. You… can’t remember how many times you’ve been in the Dungeon Circuit, dozens? Hundreds? You feel like you’ve already summoned your Dark Master, but that can’t be true, your mind is intact, isn’t it?

You must to get to the bottom of this… you cannot in good conscience summon the Darkness that Waits Between to take over a broken universe, now can you?

But today is your first day at the Dungeon Circuit… right?

Note: I do not own the rights to the image above.

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