Heavy Mithril Bard
You’re the originator of “Hack and Slash”, a type of battle-song: magically amplified and heavily affected by a rare sonic plant called a “distortion petal”. This music is known to make passive crowds leap to their feet and to make enemies cringe. This, of course propelled you to the heights of fame, and the inevitable excesses of luxury.
AXEGRINDER, your band, completely dissolved in the fallout of an incident in which it was alleged that you had drunkenly driven a chariot up and down the halls of the Toswald Imperial Inn, severely injuring a foreign dignitary.
After the breakup, you entered a more introspective period in your career, when you headed the Satch-Anvillson Experience, a solo project that was to have its first major gig a few years ago, but the venue had an Iceberg fall on it. Miraculously, you escaped the frigid doom, but the 15 minutes of fame for the Satch-Anvillson Experience had run out.
While you sought to another radical reinvention for you career, you found yourself in a mage bar, and chanced to see a broadcast of “Dungeon Circuit” and realized there were no bards. You sobered up and trudged off to audition where your B-celebrity status and power chords secured your appearance…
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